Photo Stories
Since I love playing with my dolls and creating fun and imaginative stories, here are some highlights from my Star Valley Dollplay, in photostory format. Enjoy!
September 19th, 2016/2021: Plunderin’ Susie Rose’s Challenge (Part 5 o’ th’ Red Star Saga)
September 19th, 2010: Th’ Legend o’ Albus Hickleby (Part 4 o’ th’ Red Star Saga)
September 19th, 2009: Shipwrecked (Part 3 o’ th’ Red Star Saga)
September 19th, 2008: A New Voyage (Part 2 o’ th’ Red Star Saga)
September 19th, 2007: A Sea Farin’ Adventure (Part 1 o’ th’ Red Star Saga)